It started with a sound. Rather ranting to a good friend about how unavailable I was to what was most precious to me. And how I couldn’t shake it off. I felt I needed to get in more detail to convey the intensity and frantic aspect of it all.
We were on the phone and I couldn’t mimic it just right. So I wrote it down in the tempo I was living it. So she could follow me around the room as she was reading.
That’s Going Full Vanilla
Once that piece was out, others kept coming. They were bits I usually kept tucked away in my head. As if they were letting me know there was nothing to be ashamed of.
And the oddest thing happened. What I expressively held back in fear of loosing people, was actually what got them interested.
So here it goes, from me to me to you. Because we all have our quirks and ways of dealing with Life. And because each time I read myself back I feel a little less alone. I hope you’ll do too.