I heard it takes one year

I heard it takes one year to mourn
I don’t know how they got hold of that number
I’ve been moving through a sense of loss for 10 years +

I used to think it needed fixing or that I would get over it
As if it could be contained, checked off or dealt with

But it’s just a part of the picture
It shows up a little bit each day
In tears, a need for rest, or aching grief
It shows up and moves along
Takes the time it needs

Most times it’s not what I had on the agenda
I let it through anyhow
If I don’t, it’ll sit until I do, freezing everything around
It is the smarter move, and has become a welcomed one

As any flow, it is a carrier of Life
After the shake, I come out
Refreshed, renewed, with new clarity

I sometimes think
What if we all had a good heart out cry
Wouldn’t it change our world’s chemistry?

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