Can we soften up

Can we make space for softness
Stop cramming in an already tight schedule
Or take on just a little more than we can absorb

Can we let her lead even when
It is most essential
In the whatever that needs to be done

Can we invite her in
Give her a seat at the dinner table
Count her in as family, not the casual visitor

Can we release our striving and unfold in her palm
Rekindle her ancient knowing
That our bones recognize
And our cells are sore for

Let’s not keep her waiting when she calls
And greet her like a long lost friend
Lets not wonder out of her
Might we remember
That she too holds impenetrable power

Lets take that minute and that rest
The medicine, the warm blanket
That extra breath

Let others be her hand around our shoulders
Let our tightness bend a little to her sound
And her infinite gesture

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